
The asset postprocessor point of existence is to be actually executed each time any asset in the project structure changes. In order to prevent a post-processor from taking too much time while it executes, you need to change your logic in a way that rejects unneeded assets as quickly as possible. How do I make animation clips from an imported FBX model's animation clip using AssetPostProcessor in Unity? You seem aware of AssetPostprocessor which has variable AssetPostprocessor.assetImporter.



Space CUBEs

Independent Project
Android, PC
Dec 2013 - Present

Contribution Overview
  • Sole programmer.
  • Plethora of Unity tools and Editor scripts that aid in development.
  • AssetPostProcessor for models that edit import settings, create prefabs, and update game settings.
  • Extensive use of NGUI.
  • Bake vertex colors and combine meshes to drastically reduce drawcalls.
  • One project for both PC and Android using preprocessor directives.
  • Read and write to binary files for small storage.
  • Modular State Machine based on Actions and Coroutines.
  • Quaternion and Matrix math to create ships in a 3D grid.
  • Level Creator using Reflection and Serialization to create formations of enemies and give them a path with individual values.
  • Very 'blocky' art.


Independent Project
Aug 2013 - Nov 2013
Contribution Overview
  • Sole programmer.
  • A* implementation for 2D platformer.
  • Deep combat system with team combination attacks and fluid platformer controls.

Gemini: The Cosmic Samurai

Split Pixel Studios
Dec 2012 - May 2013

Contribution Overview
  • Sole programmer.
  • Pathfinding around spherical maps.
  • Custom node graph baking and editing.
  • Combat system executed with swipes and taps.
  • GUI system that fits multiple screen sizes.
  • HUD created with planes.

Robot Pirate Racing

Independent Project
Dec 2012 - May 2013
Contribution Overview
  • Sole programmer.
  • Track creator.
  • Network play.
  • Smooth mobile driving controls.
  • Amazing programmer art...

Sarah's Adventure

Unity Assetpostprocessor

Split Pixel Studios
PC and Mac
June 2012 - Feb 2013
Contribution Overview
  • Sole programmer.
  • LINQ item recycler.
  • Random generation of items and enemies frame rate independent.
  • Player controller with multiple modes.
  • Various enemy AI.

Monster Smash

Ohio University
PC and Mac
Nov 2011 - May 2012
Contribution Overview
  • Sole programmer.
  • Player controller with basic combat and the ability to revive other players.
  • Up to 4 player single screen coop.
  • Multiple Enemy AI including one boss encounter.
  • Simple stat tracking.

PORTS Future

  • Cleaned up previously written code and fixed bugs.
  • Added functionality including; UI, camera controls, waypoint traffic system, and a first person controller.
  • Optimized using occlusion culling and draw distances.

Zombie Bus



  • Technical lead for 10 hour game jam.
  • Helped set production schedule.
  • Aided half a dozen new programmers.
  • Coded majority of the game.