
Create the file pservice in the /etc/init.d/ directory of the OpenWRT router using WinSCP (of course alternatively the ssh terminal may be used), with the contents of this linked file. After saving, open the properties of the pservice file and set the access rights to 755.


SFTP protocol, clients, servers etc. Page by the original author of SFTP. Enable shell add /bin/false to /etc/shells OR RequireValidShell off to /etc/proftpd.conf Start the server /etc/init.d/proftpd start and add enable the server to start on reboot. This website uses cookies. By using the website, you agree with storing cookies on your computer. SFTP server Some clients, e.g. GNOME Files or Cyberduck on the Mac, cannot connect to the SCP server provided by OpenWrt's standard ssh server, dropbear, unless an additional binary is installed. OpenWrt编译的时候能选择开启ssh 进入openwrt系统源码的顶层目录,然后执行 make menuconfig命令 进入 Network- SSH- openssh-sftp-server 如果没有选择,则需要安装 使用opkg(OpenWrt的包管理程序)安装,依次执行 opkg update #获取服务器上最新的软件列表 opkg install vsftpd openssh-sftp.

You should always have a backup of the main configuration settings of your OpenWrt device. A single change via LuCI or from the console can leave you with questions on what changed and how to get back to your original working condition.

In this article, I’ll show you how to archive your main configuration settings, and then transfer them via scp to a desktop for safe keeping.


Start by ssh’ing to the OpenWrt router using the command below or an ssh client like PuTTy on Windows.

Once logged into OpenWrt, create an archive in the /tmp folder of everything in the /etc directory:


The next step is to take the archive on the OpenWrt router at “/tmp/openwrt-etc.tar”, and copy this back to your desktop machine.

If you run a *nix desktop running an openssh-server, then while still logged into the router you can use scp to push it back to your home directory using the command below.

If you are running a Windows desktop or don’t have your *nix desktop running an ssh server then you can use scp to pull it off the OpenWrt server. For Windows PuTTy pscp, that command looks like:

Notice that we forced scp with ‘-scp’ so that it does not fallback to using sftp.

Openwrt Sftp Server


Ubuntu install openssh server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server


Openwrt Sftp Server


FTP server vsftpd


The smallest of the three popular FTP servers

  1. Install from web-interface or command-line: “opkg install vsftpd
  2. You might want to start and enable the vsftpd service in web-interface “System/Startup”
  3. Configuration file is located in “/etc/vsftpd.conf
  4. To set the default FTP folder add the following to the config file: “local_root=/mnt/usb1
  5. To enable PASSIVE mode, add the following to the config file: “pasv_enable=YES”, “pasv_min_port=10090”, and “pasv_max_port=10100”
  6. The vsftpd service can be controlled with the usual commands:

To support FTPD server through a firewall “opkg install kmod-nf-nathelper” (Not typically needed)


  1. Install from web-interface or command-line: “opkg install proftpd
  2. Disallow Root login in /etc/proftpd.conf:
  3. Comment all in “<Anonymous ~ftp>…</Anonymous>” in /etc/proftpd.conf if you don't want anonymous access.
  4. Enable shell add /bin/false to /etc/shells OR RequireValidShell off to /etc/proftpd.conf
  5. Start the server /etc/init.d/proftpd start and add enable the server to start on reboot.

Install Luci Openwrt Scp

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