Now reboot the Pi to hear the Pi speak at startup. The below image shows that the commands added to.bashrc file get executed even while opening a new terminal. Method 3: init.d directory. The third method to run a program on your Raspberry Pi at startup is to add the program (to be run on boot) to the /etc/init.d directory. This directory contains the scripts which are started during the. Raspberry Pi Autostart: Start the Program automatically. A gain and again, it happens that you install Programs, but do not start them automatically when booting. In order to use the Raspberry Pi autostart, all you need to do is to store the information in the /etc/rc.local file in the Linux system. This is, for example, the case with DNS service noip2. License models for organizations. Raspberry Pi remote access with AnyDesk offers stable and secure connectivity, dynamic collaborative tools and powerful administrative options – wherever you are! Our Raspberry Pi remote desktop is simple to use and even easier to set up The Remote Desktop App for Chrome OS AnyDesk is the ultimate remote access app your chromebook - giving you a truly mobile.

AnyDesk is the ultimate remote desktop solution for editing and maintaining a desktop or server from a remote location using Linux on Raspberry Pi. Enjoy smooth and seamless remote operation of external computer systems. AnyDesk is free for private use and offers flexible license models for organizations. Discover AnyDesk’s Raspberry Pi Remote Control solution now!

Sometimes, we need to start a program when pi boot up, there are several ways to achieve it, I introduce two ways to configure it.
First way:Create a .desktop file
1.Create autostart folder

2.Write desktop file

A new window will open, type following command:

After typing, press “Ctrl + O” to save and press “Ctrl + X” to quit nano.
After reboot, the program will autostart when raspberry pi start up.
[Desktop Entry] is always in the first line.
Name: Specific name of the application.
Type: This specification defines 3 types of desktop entries: Application (type 1), Link (type 2) and Directory (type 3).
Exec: Program to execute, possibly with arguments.
lxterminal –e “home/pi/yourprogram” means you want to use LXTerminal open the program that stored in“home/pi/yourprogram”, yourprogram is an executable file.
If you don’t want to autostart the program:
Go to Root LXTerminal,

the desktop file will be deleted.

Second way:Create a script
1.Write a script to start the program
Create a new file in /home/pi/:
open it:

and write something:

2.configure to autostart the script

add the following lines before “eixt 0


After reboot,the program will autostart when raspberry pi start up.

You can change the program file path, no need to put in /home/pi/.
^ . ^

Note: This article covers the Windows platform.

AnyDesk has several modes to run which affects how it is startup and closed.

  1. AnyDesk without installation. (portable)
  2. AnyDesk with installation.
  3. AnyDesk without installation but with Elevation.

Those modes determine the characteristics of AnyDesk. Generally it is to distinguish between a portable and installed setup.

Raspberry Pi Anydesk Autostart

AnyDesk without Installation

Chrome autostart raspberry pi
  • AnyDesk doesn't run at startup and is therefore not reachable until startup manually.
  • AnyDesk closes completely when Main Window is closed.
  • AnyDesk cannot exist outside the User session / cannot switch to the Login Screen.
  • AnyDesk cannot restart the device and return to the Login Screen
  • AnyDesk cannot register automatically an Alias without installation.
  • Unattended access available after startup.

AnyDesk with Installation

  • AnyDesk creates a Service upon Installation which secures availability and Elevation (for AnyDesk) at Startup.
  • AnyDesk is available outside the user session / switch to Login Screen / logout is possible.
  • To close AnyDesk, close the control process, found in the tray of the taskbar.
Closing the control-process also closes the service. This action must be confirmed by UAC-prompt.
Autostart program raspberry pi
  • AnyDesk can restart the device and return to the Login Screen.
  • Unattended access is always available.

Autostart Program Raspberry Pi

Run AnyDesk without Installation but with Elevation

There are three options to elevate AnyDesk manually when not installed:

  1. Request elevation for the remote side via the actions menu. See Elevation
  2. Run AnyDesk as Administrator via Context Menu.
  3. Create a custom client that:
    1. Automatically runs as Administrator.
    2. Doesn't allow installation.

Anydesk Platforms

  • AnyDesk doesn't run at startup of Windows and is therefore not reachable until executed manually.
  • AnyDesk closes completely when Main Window is closed.
  • AnyDesk can exist outside the User session / switch to the Login Screen. (runs as SYSTEM)
  • AnyDesk can restart the device and return to the Login Screen when performed from the actions menu.
  • Unattended access is available after startup of AnyDesk.