1. Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes List
  2. Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Download
  3. Facebook Messenger Scan Code
  4. Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Roblox

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Facebook is taking another step to convince the world that its Messenger app is the simplest way to stay in touch.

The Menlo Park, Calif. firm is rolling out a new feature that allows users to find new contacts in its Messenger app, which now serves more than 900 million monthly active users, by scanning a special code.

  1. Scanning Messenger Codes. To scan a Messenger Code, do the following: Activate the Messenger camera. Press and hold in the viewfinder. A circle will appear. Center the Messenger Code in the circle. Messenger will automatically scan the code.
  2. Messenger Codes are the best way to find people in Messenger, whether you're standing side-by-side or looking at your computer screen. No matter where you are - online or at an event - all you have to do is scan a code someone shares with you, and then you can start that important conversation.
Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes

Scanning a so-called “Messenger Code” will bring users to the account for that particular person or business. If a Messenger user gets their code scanned by someone they’re not already friends with on Facebook, he or she will receive a message request before entering a chat. The codes themselves display a Facebook user’s profile photo, along with dots and lines allowing Facebook to recognize the image.

Messenger Codes should help Facebook users avoid potentially awkward situations, like having to ask a new friend to recite their phone number or spell their name to locate them on the platform. Facebook is also launching Messenger Links, which provide direct links to Messenger users’ profiles.

Facebook’s new codes are similar to Snapchat’s Snaptags, scannable codes that let Snapchatters add new friends on the platform. Facebook’s Rooms app also lets users add others to their “rooms” by scanning visual codes.

Messenger Codes and Links will start rolling out on April 7.

Tony Leach, a product manager for Messenger, says that he discussed the idea of scannable codes with the general Facebook team, but the feature will only be available for Messenger. “[We’re] trying to make it easy to talk to someone really fast,” says Leach.

Together, the new features could be a small boost towards Facebook’s goal of making Messenger the ultimate communications app. “And just like the flip phone is disappearing, old communication styles are disappearing too,” David Marcus, head of Facebook Messenger, wrote in a January blog post outlining the company’s general vision for Messenger.

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EDIT POSTSocial MediaMost people I talk with have absolutely no idea what the Facebook Messenger Code is, what it does, or where to find it. Lucky you, we’ve put together this little tutorial to show you all about this handy little tool!

The image below is the Facebook messenger code. This code is available to you in your messenger app (for personal profiles) and your Page Manager app (for business pages), where you’ll also find a scanner to scan these unique codes. Once scanned, they immediately connect you with an individual or business by bringing you right into their messenger account.

I was recently at an event where the women in attendance were actually using this code instead of exchanging business cards (first time I’ve ever seen it used in a networking setting!) It was absolute awesome because not only were we connecting in the space we spend a good amount of our time in (Facebook), but were also teaching others how to use it, liking business pages as we connected with people and at the end of the day, we all had more followers and new relationships to nurture. Oh, and I didn’t have 1 business card to throw in the trash when I got back to my hotel room!

Accessing your code and the scanner to connect with others is pretty simple but a little different for your personal profile and your business profile.

Setting Up a Personal Facebook Messenger Code

  1. Open your messenger app
  2. Make sure you are on the HOME screen (icon on the bottom far left will get you there.)
  3. Tap your profile photo in the upper left corner
  4. Tap the Facebook code that displays on your screen
  5. “My Code” will display and can be scanned right from you phone screen, or shared via the icon in the upper right. (Ninja Tip – I like to save the image to my photo library to its always easy to access and share.)
  6. To access the scanner to scan other codes, hit the “Scan Code” button at the top of the screen (Just hold the circle over a code and it’ll take you right into their messenger.

Setting Up a Business Facebook Messenger Code

  1. Open the Facebook Page (iphone) or Page Manager (android) app
  2. From your business page profile, tap the 3 horizonal lines in the bottom far right.
  3. Select Messages from the menu
  4. Tap the messenger code (circle) icon in the upper right
  5. Select “Share messenger Code” and you can send it to someone or save to your photo library

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes List

These codes can be used in networking settings to connect with people you want to follow up with, can you printed on your collateral materials are shared in emails or social media. With the increasing popularity of Facebook Messenger Bots, this little tool will become pretty valuable in turning connections into Bot subscribers so you can send valuable information to them through messenger, where the open and read rates crush those in email campaigns.

Have fun with this and teach others how to use it! They will be thrilled that they are learning a new skill, I’m sure they’ll be excited to show others, and everyone will be able to print fewer business cards while getting far better engagement and visibility online!

Questions? Comments? Leave us a note below and let us know if you’ve used this before or if this all new to you. If you’d like more completely free tips on tools, techniques and all things Social Media – we’d love to have you in our private Facebook group, Bobbi B’s Social Media Clambake where we share all the things small business owners need to know to market their businesses online!

Bobbi Baehne

President, Think Big Go Local, Inc.

My mission at Think Big Go Local is to create a “buzz” around our client’s businesses online and in social media platforms so their message reaches their desired audience. We know that relationships are built and maintained online each and every day and work to make sure our clients are building credibility, authority and attracting new followers and clients . We don’t work in a cookie cutter environment, each of our clients is unique and their accounts are fully managed using their voice, talking to their specific audience and sharing value that keeps them coming back.

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